Updated Photovore shield

The updated PCB board design

I have finally got round to re-designing the Photovore modular shield and as the previous circuit did not work at all, it required a complete re-work of all aspects the the board.

To draw the circuit schematic I performed continuity tests on all the pins in order to figure out where the various connections on the breadboard were, this then translated directly into the Eagle where I connected the components exactly as they were on the quick prototype.

I then moved the schematic across into Eagle’s board designer and produced a PCB from the schematic, as there were few components, it did not require much work and no vias were needed.

The new schematic, it is an incredibly simple circuit

This version of the Photovore shield (v0.3) can be downloaded from Dropbox, along with all the other Photovore Eagle files.

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