I'm finally done with the ball caster wheel

The very last (hopefully) ball caster wheel

The final design uses a more simplistic approach than previous iterations. It incorporates only one through-hole turn slot, as opposed to at least two on previous versions, the reduction in tabs did not decrease the structural strength, moreover, it increased the soundness of the design as there were less weak points and the design did not protrude from the central rotation as much, therefore any forces on the caster wheel would have less of a lever effect on the acrylic. Another reason to reduce the footprint size was the fact that the original designs required large slots that would be a great distance from the central rotatory axis and they too far apart for the latest chassis design to accommodate.

It has been a few days since it was first laser cut and assembled and this version has withstood more pressure and force than any of the previous designs and it is yet to break, however, as I still only have one, I am reluctant to put it through a stress test to see how strong it really is. Although the material is white as opposed to the semi-opaque blue of previous versions, it is the same material and was ordered on the same day, so the increase of structural strength is purely design caused.

A side-on view shows that the ridges are still present

This design has a raised slot, meaning that the chassis would no longer be a flat bed and this would have to either be ignored, or more preferably, fixed another way. This would be likely to involve lowering the motor mounts at the back-end of the chassis, to raise the back-end of the robot. 

This design (v0.8) can currently be found on Dropbox.

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