Circuit simulation

The inputs of both the Photovore and Edgebot are manipulated multiple times by logic gates for the robot to go forward/reverse at the right times and I was unable to quickly and easily figure out a logic gate system that responded correctly. I Google searched for a (free) circuit simulation software and soon found a Java circuit simulation applet which seemed to be easy to learn and use. You can see/use/download the Java applet here.

Although the circuit simulator is relatively basic, I was easily able to redesign my logic array multiple times to get the desired responses, both when the Photovore circuit is 'plugged in', not 'plugged in' and working standalone.

The following image show the simulation with both boards, the red tracks is that of the Edgebot, while the green is the Photovore, when the two circuits are joined, the white switches flip and the Edgebot uses the Photovore's direction. Note that RC component values have been changed for the simulation, as it cannot simulate a circuit in real-time.

The schematic

You can download the simulation file from dropbox.

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