A little background infomation

Over the last few months, I have been developing a series of simple modular electronics kits, with the aim that they could be assembled and then they could simply plug together to form different responses to sensory inputs.

The first two modules that I am creating are originated from BEAM type circuits and they include an Edgebot, a simple robot which reverses and turns when it touches an object, and a Photovore (Literally means “Light-eater”) like logic system, which drives in the direction of the brightest light source.

The Edgebot circuit comprises of a single touch sensor, two RC timers and a small amount of logic. The touch sensor is to be mounted at the front of the robot with an extended arm, the RC circuits are time delays for how long the motors reverse for (One reverses longer than the other in order to turn) and the logic is to process the RC circuits for forward/reverse motions and to allow for the logic expansion brought by the Photovore board.

The Photovore circuit is simple in comparison; it uses a comparator to compare the signals of two LDRs and the output dictates whether or not the right motor should go forward in order to face the more light (The signal for the left motor is inverted)

The final board that is to be designed will a motor controller that is a simple H-Bridge that allows for basic forward/reverse movement of two motors. It is likely that it will also contain a 3.3v voltage regulator to accommodate future expansion boards. (An AVR processor would seem to be a likely candidate)

I hope to send the boards to OSH Park to be fabricated and then (hopefully) have some working prototypes. I will publish images as they become available as well as the all the Eagle schematics, PCB designs and circuit simulation files as the boards become finalised.

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